Awesome team

Director, Co-op & Condo Division

Susan K. Maher

[email protected]

Adviser, Research and Special Projects

Cynthia Webster

[email protected]

Director, Investment Sales Division

Alex I. Zonis

[email protected]

Director, Bridge Financing Division

John L. Attanasio

[email protected]

Barrett Capital recognizes that being selected as your lender/financial advisor/broker is just the start of the process. And, even after we have secured the best terms and conditions for your needs, we consider our work for you only half done. Going from Term Sheet to Funding takes effort, which the Barrett Capital team provides. Our CEO has served as the President of a 200 unit Manhattan Luxury Condominium for over ten years, so we understand your – the owner’s – perspective. And, we are available 24/7 to meet the needs of our clients on your timeframe.

From our experience, bankers don’t always know how to speak to borrowers and borrowers benefit from having an experienced, independent representative answer the banker’s questions. The Barrett Capital team, as your intermediary, is skilled at presenting the facts in a way that will resonate with the banker and achieve your goals.

Barrett Capital Corporation, a licensed real estate broker in the State of New York, is qualified to assist you in negotiating mortgages. During the 30 years we have been in business, Barrett Capital has never failed to deliver on a commitment issued or arranged.